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Accept Decline

Over the last few years, fixed income allocations pulled below strategic weight for many allocators as equity markets kept rising and accommodative monetary policy pushed yields lower and duration longer. Attractive fixed income yields were becoming scarcer and fear around what would happen if rates normalised meant risks in the space were elevated.

Cut to 2022 when central banks began guidance to raise rates and followed through with action, bond markets sold off aggressively. Clients responded by reducing duration, moved in favour of floating rate from fixed-rate securities, and in some cases, moved entirely to cash and cash-plus strategies.

Chart 1: Negative yielding debt has fallen from c.USD24trn to USD4trn in 9 months (to end April 22)

Negative yielding debt has fallen from c.USD24trn to USD4trn in 9 months (to end April 22)

Source: Macrobond, as at April 2022

Fast forward to today, and for the first time in years, high yield (HY) bonds are offering high yields (some 7.7%1), and investment grade (IG) fixed income has income to fix (3.9%2). This said, investors are still understandably on the fence as to whether to re-engage with the asset class.

Fast forward to today, and for the first time in years, high yield (HY) bonds are offering high yields (some 7.7%1), and investment grade (IG) fixed income has income to fix (3.9%2).

While macro risks remain elevated, a new challenge has entered the fray – not owning enough duration against your strategic allocation.

Read more on David's thoughts regarding Valuation Context, A Spread of Results, to Positioning Thoughts

1 Yield to maturity (%) on ICE BofA Global High Yield Constrained Index, as at 18 May 2022
2 Yield to maturity (%) on Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Index USD Unhedged, as at 18 May 2022


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