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Investors today don’t want to choose between doing good and doing well financially. Investors want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. When it comes to the big issues like access to clean water, quality education, and affordable healthcare investors may find themselves asking, what can I do? How can we change this?

Impact investing allows you to invest in solutions that help solve these problems while generating market returns. With opportunities to invest in people, prosperity, and planet, investors can have a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

Impact investing

Investing with the goal of having a positive environmental or social impact while generating a financial return.

Increased focus on societal benefit or outcome.


Socially responsible investing (SRI) seeks to generate a financial return and pursue social goals by avoiding certain sectors.

Results in a constrained universe of investment options.

ESG integration

Incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into portfolios while seeking to generate a financial return.

More robust risk assessment used to improve long-term risk-adjusted returns.

Impact investing: the intersection of financial returns and positive impact

Our approach to impact investing is focused on advancing social, environmental, and economic sustainability by investing in the planet, people and prosperity. Our rigorous impact measurement framework adds transparency and ensures accountability.

blue small cogCompetitive fixed income returns
blue smal cogCompetitive fixed income returns
  • Focused on scalable market-based impact solutions
  • Over 25-year track record in impact investing
orange small cogRigorous impact measurement framework
orange small cogRigorous impact measurement framework
  • Granular impact research process applied to all holdings
  • High degree of alignment with, and direct attachment to UN SDGs
light blue small cogClimate change mitigation and solutions focus
light blue small cogClimate change mitigation and solutions focus
  • Net carbon negative
  • Focused on climate change solutions and avoiding harm
green small cogPositive social impact
green small cogPositive social impact
  • Measurable, transparent positive social impact
  • Invest to reduce inequalities
  • BIPOC and thematic targeting1
grey small cogImpact ecosystem champions
grey small cogImpact ecosystem champions
  • Strategic partnerships for change
  • Highly customizable portfolio construction
  • Geographic targeting, impact liquidity and other solutions
Navy blue gear Three-column bar chart in the middle of navy blue gear
Gold gear 17-color ring representing the UN SDGs in the center of golden gear
Light blue gear A leaf and gear icon in the center of the light blue gear
Green gear Silhouette of 3 people in the middle of green gear
Gray gear Lightbulb in the center of the gray gear
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BIPOC is an acronym that stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
1 Targeting options only available in certain vehicles and are subject to investment minimums.

A circle in three segments, navy blue, light blue and gold with the words "Planet Environment",  "People society" and "Prosperity Economy" on outside and the term "sustainable ecosystem" in the center.

Impact investment themes

People, prosperity & planet

Our approach to impact investing seeks to build a sustainable ecosystem by investing in People, Prosperity, and Planet. To that end, we’ve identified seven key themes that we target with our investments.

Using these themes we’re able to build portfolios designed to deliver competitive financial returns while also driving targeted, measurable impact.

Learn more

Impact examples



Increased access to education for people most in need

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Health & wellness

Investing in hospitals, vaccines, medication, medical devices and nutrition

Learn more

Multi-family affordable rental housing

Safe affordable housing for low-income families that are predominantly BIPOC or women-
headed households

Learn more

Affordable homeownership

Dedicated to helping low-and-moderate income families build wealth

Learn more

Small business

Financing small business growth & job creation in underserved communities with a focus on essential services

Learn more

Clean water & sanitation

Water infrastructure projects, expanded access to water, and wastewater treatment

Learn more

Climate change solutions & mitigation

Focused on financing wind, solar, mass transit and electric vehicles

Learn more

Various entities have created investing collaboratives in their regions to pool their resources and scale their impact:

Impact strategies

Our impact team

Partnering with our clients for 25 years to support positive social outcomes for underserved individuals and communities through impact investing.

Hide team information Meet the team

Brian Svendahl, CFA

Managing Director & Senior Portfolio Manager, BlueBay Fixed Income, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile

Ron Homer

Chief Strategist, U.S. Impact Investing, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile

Mindy Frye

Institutional Portfolio Manager, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile

Eric Hathaway, CFA

Senior Portfolio Manager, U.S. Fixed Income, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile

Valinie Dayaljee

Portfolio Manager, U.S. Fixed Income, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile

Teri Savage

Senior Trader, U.S. Fixed Income, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile

Karen Ly

Analyst, U.S. Fixed Income, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile

Ao Vang

Client Service Analyst, Impact Investing, RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Inc. View profile
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© RBC Global Asset Management Inc., 2025