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The Emerging Markets Focus Equity strategy seeks to provide long-term capital growth by investing in a concentrated portfolio of emerging markets equity securities. The strategy emphasizes quality and long-term growth at a reasonable price, by combining rigorous company-level research with a top-down overlay driven by long-term secular themes. The strategy adopts a high-conviction, best ideas approach.

Strategy overview

  • Long-term approach with a focus on quality and sustainable growth
  • Distinctive blend of top-down thematic and fundamental company research
  • Incorporates material Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions
  • High-conviction portfolio of typically 25-35 stocks
  • Dynamic, centralized team, dedicated to proprietary and differentiated research

Our approach


We strongly feel that our diversity has been critical to our success. The RBC Emerging Markets Equity team’s founder and head, Philippe Langham, has consciously hired people with different backgrounds, personalities and ways of thinking from his own.

We have a strong culture of discussion and debate amongst the team, which encourages different perspectives when evaluating investment opportunities


We place a big emphasis on culture within our own team, and pride ourselves on having a highly open and collaborative dynamic. We apply this same criterion when looking at companies.

We spend significant time evaluating company management and engaging with them on areas such as brand, employees and innovation, all of which we believe define corporate culture.

Research focus

We have built a strong research platform which has four key characteristics: long term, global, emphasis on management, and ESG integration.

We focus on long-term, secular themes as part of our top-down research, and have a detailed, systematic approach from a bottom-up perspective.

Our approach to ESG

  • We integrate material ESG factors in our investment decisions
  • Identify companies that we believe have strong ESG credentials.
  • Conduct long-term thematic and ESG research
  • Engage with companies on material ESG issues

Renseignements supplémentaires

Date de création
novembre 2018
Référence principale
MSCI Emerging Markets Total Return Net Index
Segregated Account, SICAV, US 3C7, Canadian Investment Fund

Équipe investissement

Équipe investissement

RBC Emerging Markets Equity team

Deep, disciplined security selection and risk management, combining top-down thematic views with rigorous company-level research

Connect with our team to learn more

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